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The Laurel Church of Christ supports the growth of Christians both within our congregation and within the borders of Christ's church.  Join us as we seek to please God and help others grow in the knowledge and practice of God's will.


Our worship is simple, yet profound. We aim to worship God in spirit and truth according to the pattern revealed in the New Testament, understanding that while we benefit from worshiping God, our goal is to please Him, not ourselves. We sing acapella hymns as a congregation. We partake of the Lord’s supper each week as a memorial to the death of Christ. We give money to support the work of the church (visitors are not expected to give). We pray, and we listen to a sermon from the Bible. 

Bible Classes

On Sundays, our Bible classes are before the morning worship assembly beginning at 9:45 AM. Classes are available for different age groups. On Wednesdays, we go straight to Bible classes at 7:00 PM then meet in the auditorium for a devotional. 

Chimala AM Worship.jpeg
Foreign Missions

The Laurel Church of Christ supports the Chimala Mission and Hospital. Chimala Mission is a work focused on healing the bodies and souls of those in Tanzania, Africa (and the surrounding countries). They teach Christians how to preach the gospel, and they use their resources to show the people that Christ's Church cares about them so they will listen to God's Word.  Visit their website for more information.  

Ministry Support

Our church supports the ongoing efforts and growth of ministers of God's churches.  If you want more information about the individuals and congregations supported by the Laurel church, please contact us.  We would love you to join us in supporting the growth of the Lord's church and its ministers.

Fellowship Activities

The Laurel church routinely gets together for fellowship, bible study, and Christian service.  Join us as we work and enjoy the company of other Christians to get to better know each other and "grow up in all things into Him who is the head—Christ— from whom the whole body, joined and knit together by what every joint supplies, according to the effective working by which every part does its share, causes growth of the body for the edifying of itself in love." (Ephesians 4:15-16)

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